Genital pimples and warts are very common skin conditions. Learning how to distinguish between them to receive proper treatment is crucial.
Firstly, genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), whereas genital pimples can be the result of several factors, including clogged pores and hormonal fluctuations.
In this article, we will cover the symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment options for both genital pimples and genital warts.
What Are Genital Pimples?
Genital pimples are similar to pimples that appear on other parts of the body. They occur when a hair follicle becomes blocked, and bacteria grow inside, causing inflammation and a pus-filled bump.
If the pimple is particularly painful and inflamed, it may require medical treatment.
Symptoms include:
- Redness
- Edema (i.e., swelling)
- Pus-filled bump
Genital Pimple Causes
Genital pimples might get triggered by numerous factors, including clogged pores due to excess oil production, lack of hygiene, or ingrown hairs caused by shaving, plucking, or waxing.
Genital Pimple Prevention
To prevent genital pimples and ingrown hairs, make sure to use shaving cream every time you plan to shave your pubic region. You also need to stop using a dull razor; instead, use unscented products around the genital area.
Wash underwear with gentle detergents and soaps, wear breathable cotton underwear, and maintain proper hygiene.
Genital Pimple Treatment
Most genital pimples will go away on their own in a few days, but applying a warm compress can help them heal more quickly. If you choose to use topical creams containing tea tree oil or salicylic acid, be sure to read the instructions carefully and choose a product specifically formulated for the genital region.
If you have concerns about using a specific product, ask your healthcare provider.
What Are Genital Warts?
Genital warts stem from a sexually transmitted infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are contagious growths that can come and go. Oftentimes, they are painless; however, they can itch and bleed.
Symptoms include:
Small, flesh-colored, flat or raised, soft-to-the-touch growths that can appear in clusters and look like cauliflower.
Genital Wart Causes
HPV is responsible for genital warts. Common ways of transmission include skin-to-skin contact and penetrative sex.
Genital Wart Prevention
Genital warts can be prevented by HPV vaccination. To prevent herpes, genital warts, and all other STIs, you should use a condom during oral or penetrative sex. You also need to avoid skin-to-skin contact with your partner if they have visible warts or sores.
Genital Wart Treatment
While genital warts can self-resolve, we can treat them with certain chemicals, prescription creams, cryotherapy, or the loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP).
It’s essential to see a healthcare provider for treatment if they’re bothering you and not try to remove them on your own.
Takeaway message
Understanding the difference between genital pimples and genital warts is crucial to receive proper treatment. While genital pimples can be treated with warm compresses and topical creams, genital warts require a more medicalized approach. Practicing proper hygiene and using protection during sexual activity can help prevent both conditions.