HPV Fast Facts

Just looking for quick information about HPV without having to scour through blog posts? Check out these fast facts to quickly learn some of the most sought-after HPV info.


HPV Basics

HPV or human papillomavirus is the most widespread sexually transmitted infection in the United States.

The CDC estimates that nearly all Americans will get it at least once in their lifetime. The human papillomavirus is a virus that is spread through skin-to-skin contact, and there are over 100 known strains. Some strains of HPV can cause cancer, some can cause genital warts, and some do no noticeable harm.
Learn more about HPV basics here

HPV Vaccine

The HPV vaccine is a series of shots which reduce the chances of acquiring the specific strains of HPV that cause cancer and genital warts. Recent data suggests that there was a 64% drop in HPV infection in teenage girls because of the vaccine. The vaccine is approved for all genders and is available for ages 9 - 45.
Learn more about THE HPV VACCINE

HPV Testing

Testing for HPV requires abnormal cervical smear results and/or genital warts. If you’re a male who is not experiencing genital warts, there is no FDA-approved testing available to you. Currently, there is no FDA-approved testing for males, but males can still acquire and pass on the virus.
Learn more about HPV TESTING

Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by certain strains of the HPV virus. The virus can be transmitted through active warts, and the virus can still be spread even if warts are not present. The current HPV vaccine helps protect people from acquiring the strains of HPV that cause genital warts.
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HPV Prevention

Because HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact, it can be hard to avoid. However, the best way to prevent the most harmful strains of HPV is by getting the vaccine. Another important way is to practice safe sex and take care of your sexual health.
Learn more about HPV PREVENTION

HPV & Cancer

HPV is the only known STD that can cause cancer. HPV has been known to cause cancer of the cervix, throat/mouth, penis, vagina, anus, and vulva. Available vaccines help protect people from acquiring the strains of HPV that cause cancer.
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HPV Treatment

Currently there is no treatment for the HPV virus. However, 90% of HPV cases are cured by a healthy body’s immune system. Treatment for genital warts is available, but curing the symptom won’t cure the disease. Treatment is also available for high-risk HPV including a colcoscopy, cryotherapy, and Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP).
Learn more about HPV TREATMENT