Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Treatment

Double-blind study, RC-14 and GR-1 (Ingredients of Pro-Fem) are effective against BV

A placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study is a scientific research performed to analyze the efficacy of the introduction of new medications or treatments. This research has proven to be very rigorous and efficient in the health sector.

In a placebo-controlled research, Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 vaginal probiotics (treatment under study) were offered to one group, while another group were given a placebo that is similar to this particular treatment but has none of the active ingredients. The study was randomized to enable equal share and access to the placebo or experimental group. The double blindness of the scientists and participants implies that -none of them are aware of any of the participants receiving the placebo or the experimental treatment. This system was implemented to improve the accuracy of the results and equal fairness.

The age group of women participating in this study is at least 18 years and currently suffering from vaginal infections like trichomoniasis, candidiasis, BV, or a combination of any of them, and this satisfies the baseline diagnosis of BV. After the research period, vaginal swabbing tests revealed that among the experimental group, there is a higher level of microorganism restoration than those in the placebo group.

The competitive edge of the research is that past scientific iterations indicating that vaginal probiotics are more effective than metronidazole has been confirmed. Metronidazole is popularly used for the treatment of BV, which comes with certain side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, metallic taste in the mouth, and constipation. Alternatively, the consumption of vaginal probiotics does not have any of these side effects.

Pro-Fem helps to restore vaginal pH balance

BV is a condition where the overdevelopment of specific bacteria disrupts the normal bacteria that lives in the vagina. This condition can cause symptoms like unexpected discharge from the vagina, burning or itching sensation in the vagina, and awful odor. Most women in their fertile age that experience unexpected discharge is usually caused by BV.

Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhomnosus GR-1 are probiotic strains in Pro-Fem and bacteria types that are among ‘the normal bacteria family. Typically, these bacteria are usually available in a balanced state together with other microorganisms in a healthy vagina and help to maintain the general well-being of the vagina. But in women experiencing BV, there is a significant disruption of the bacterial level of the vagina, with little or no influence from the Lactobacillus bacteria. This condition results in the over-development of other bacteria types, causing symptoms of BV.

Pro-Fem Vaginal Probiotics is a supplement that helps to maintain the normal level of bacteria, yeast, and pH, specifically for women to increase the amount of Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, which in turn improves the well-being of the vagina and urinary tract.

The science behind RC-14 and GR-1

Both strains of Lactobacillus, RC-14, and GR-1 can be discovered in the body. In 1985, RC-14 was extracted from the vagina of a healthy woman while in 1980, GR-1 was isolated from the distal urethra of a healthy woman. Chr Hansen, a very respected bioscience facility in the world and a partner of Pro-Fem discovered and patented these strains. After this discovery, more than 30 human clinical studies have been carried out on these strains for more than 20 years. Currently, RC-14 and GR-1 are the most recorded probiotic strain for the urogenital health of women in the world and many women have used them to improve their vaginal health effectively without side effects.

Make sure you reach out to your primary care physician and OB-GYN concerning the benefits of Pro-Fem vaginal probiotics.

Read the Clinical Studies: