Should You Tell Your Date You Have HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a more common sexually transmitted disease than you might think. About 25% of American adults live with HPV infections, while 80% will become infected at least once throughout their lives.

Over 100 different HPV strains are spreading around the world. Most HPV strains will not cause an infected person to develop symptoms or health issues. The average HPV-infected person’s immune system will eradicate the virus within two years of the initial infection date.

However, an HPV-infected person still risks infecting other people through intimate skin-to-skin activity. What happens if you were to infect a person who may not have a strong immune system? That means the HPV infection could have more devastating consequences for them than it does for you. You never know how the HPV infection will affect someone until it does.

Why You Should Tell Your Date You Have HPV

Many HPV-positive people feel it is unnecessary to disclose their diagnosis to their sexual partners if they do not experience any symptoms. They may also convince themselves that practicing safe sex with dental dams and condoms is a sure way of preventing transmission of HPV to their partner.

Unfortunately, safe sex practices do not guarantee complete protection. An HPV-infected man or woman still risks infecting their partner regardless of the safe sex practices performed.

It is scarier for men because there are no HPV tests available for them. That is why women have an even greater responsibility to tell their male partners about their HPV-positive diagnosis. Otherwise, those male partners will never know if they have been infected with HPV.

For this reason, HPV-infected women must disclose their HPV-positive diagnosis to their male and female partners. By doing so, those partners can decide whether they want to risk getting infected by being intimate with the infected woman. Some partners may choose not to engage in sex, while others may be willing to take the risk. But that has to be their decision, not yours.

HPV and Immunity 

Fortunately, there is now a lot a person can do to build up their immune system to fight HPV naturally.  So if you do get exposed to the HPV infection your body can be more prepared to fight it off.  It is widely advised by the medical community and research to have a healthy diet, sleep well, exercise to improve circulation and blood flow, and supplement your diet with AHCC supplements which are clinically tested to fight high risk HPV.

HPV Vaccine

A non-infected person can wait to receive the HPV vaccination before engaging in sexual activity with an infected person. The HPV vaccination protects against four high-risk HPV strains, such as HPV-16 and HPV-18. Again, there is no guarantee of complete protection against all high-risk strains, but it will increase the likelihood of staying protected when engaging in sex with an infected person.

If you have questions about HPV talk with your OB/GYN or doctor for further consultation on the matter.