Cervical Cancer Testing & Treatment

The cervix is a small narrow canal connecting the upper part of the uterus to the birth canal (aka vagina). Cervical cancer initially develops in a woman’s womb, the bottom portion of the uterus.

When the cells in a woman’s womb grow abnormally, they can spread throughout the cervix to the upper portion of the uterus and beyond. Women must undergo regular cervical testing and monitoring to ensure they do not have substantial abnormal cervical cell growth.

Two parts comprise the cervix: the endocervix (cervix opening connecting to the uterus) and the exocervix (exterior portion of the cervix). The endocervix consists of glandular cells, while the exocervix has squamous cells. When a gynecologist conducts a speculum examination, they will evaluate the exocervix because it is a visible portion.

The origins of cervical cancer start in the transformation zone, the area where the glandular and squamous cells interconnect in the cervix. The transformation zone does not stay in the exact location forever because it eventually changes due to giving birth and aging.

Fortunately, a pap smear (or pap test) can discover abnormal cervical cell changes and precancerous cell growth before they become cervical cancer. A pap smear is the test every woman should get regularly to detect signs of abnormal cervical cell growth before it becomes too severe.

Your doctor can administer treatments to slow down the abnormal cell growth to avoid cancer.

Medical Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Women shouldn’t wait until they experience pelvic pain or discomfort before undergoing a pap smear. Since cervical cancer doesn’t usually cause pain during its early stages, many women don’t see the reason to get tested if they don’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Unfortunately, a woman with cervical cancer will eventually feel pain after the cancer spreads to other organs and tissues in her genital region. By that point, the cancer growth will be more challenging to treat. Women must schedule regular appointments for pap testing because it could be a matter of life and death.

It is always better to discover cervical cancer early because it is the most treatable. Some of the most ideal treatment options for cervical cancer include the following:


Chemotherapy is where doctors administer special medicines to the patient to shrink and destroy the cancer tissues in the cervix. 


Radiation is another way to kill the cancer tissues. The doctor sends high-energy rays into the cancer tissues to destroy them. These are the same rays used to create X-ray imagery.


The most robust treatment method is surgery. The doctors will operate to surgically remove the cancer tissues from the cervix, leaving the canal cancer-free.

Natural Treatments for Cervical Cancer

High-risk strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) are the primary cause of cervical cancer in women. A woman typically contracts an HPV infection after intimate contact with an infected person during sex.

Women should engage in healthier lifestyle habits to strengthen their immune systems and increase their chances of fighting off their high-risk HPV infection. That way, the infection will not have an opportunity to affect the cervix and encourage cervical cancer cell growth.

AHCC is an important supplement in the fight to prevent HPV and cervical cancer.  This powerful HPV supplement is a natural compound derived from Shiitake species of mushrooms. Recent studies have suggested major potential benefits of AHCC in boosting the immune system and potentially reducing the risk of certain infections.

The most natural treatment method involves a nutritious diet high in carotenoids, folate, antioxidants, and flavonoids. You can find them in most fruits and vegetables, one more reason to add fruits and vegetables to your daily diet plan. They are your best way of helping your body battle an HPV infection and stopping it from causing your cervical cells to become cancerous.


Curing cervical cancer during its early stages is possible if the cancerous cervical tissues are removed in time. But if the cancer remains untreated for too long, it could spread to other body parts and become more difficult or impossible to cure.

Please do not wait for it to get this bad. Make an appointment with your primary care physician or gynecologist for regular pap testing. Then, you can receive immediate treatment to slow and eliminate the cervical cancer growth if it has been detected.