The absence of any cure for HPV can make the prospect of dealing with it quite overwhelming. However, keep in mind that most HPV infections are asymptomatic and harmless. A vast majority of HPV infections, including those by high-risk subtypes usually clear within two years without any intervention. Our immune system successfully suppresses HPV until it can no longer be detected. You can boost your immunity naturally, making your immune system better equipped to deal with any HPV infections that may occur. Although some risks will remain, natural supplements can help reduce your susceptibility to the virus and allow you to actively care for your own health. Before we delve into details about natural supplements, let’s understand the implications of a positive HPV or Pap test on your health.
Natural Methods of Clearing HPV Infections
If the side effects of medical treatments for HPV concern you, natural immunity-boosting methods may be a good option to look into. Reducing stress in your daily life is a good start. Try to get an adequate amount of sleep, do yoga and meditation, and seek therapy if needed. Immunity-boosting supplements are another great way to help your body fight HPV. Such supplements contain nutrients essential for strengthening the body’s natural defense system and getting rid of the virus.
- Editor’s recommendation: AHCC or Active Hexose Correlated Compound by HPD Rx
Some of the best supplements against HPV are:
Mushroom Extracts
Extracts of certain mushrooms are famous for providing a healthy boost to the immune system. These mushrooms have played an essential role in Eastern medicine for centuries. Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) has shown promising results in many studies conducted to test its effectiveness in clearing HPV infections. Turkey tail, red reishi, chaga, and cordyceps are some other medicinal mushrooms that are also known to boost immunity.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract contains polyphenols which have been shown to be possibly effective in reducing the chances of getting cancer in some studies. Furthermore, prescription green tea extract ointments are approved for the treatment of genital warts. Ensure that this supplement does not interact with any other medicines that you are taking by talking to your doctor.
Vitamin C
Another immunity-boosting nutrient is vitamin C. Since it does not occur endogenously in the body, we need to eat foods containing vitamin C, such as broccoli, oranges, and grapefruit to fulfill our daily requirement. You can also take vitamin C supplements to improve your health.
Folic Acid
The association between cervical cancer and folic acid (Vitamin B9) intake has been well-established. Taking adequate amounts of this vitamin reduces the risk of developing stomach, colon, breast, pancreatic, and cervical cancer. Folate can be taken as a supplement or through natural foods such as avocados, lentils, spinach, oranges, and soybeans.
Vitamin A
Getting the required amount of vitamin A every day is essential. Vitamin A improves vision, immunity, and reproduction. It occurs naturally in broccoli, dairy products, salmon, and carrots. Supplements of this vitamin are also available.
Diindolylmethane (DIM)
DIM strengthens immunity and reduces the risk of developing cervical lesions. Although not naturally-occurring, DIM can be taken in capsules to fulfill its daily requirement and to obtain its benefits.
Things to Remember When Dealing with HPV
What Does my Pap Test Result Show?
An abnormal Pap test is not guaranteed to be due to cancer. It rather shows that you have some abnormal cells in your cervix which are usually not cancerous. Instead, they are mostly due to an HPV infection. Your pap test result is an indication for your doctor to monitor you closely to see how your condition progresses. You may be asked to appear for other screening tests during follow-up. Certain procedures, such as loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) and colonoscopy may be performed on the recommendation of your doctor. These procedures allow better evaluation of the cervical cells. Although they may be performed simultaneously, HPV infection tests are different from a Pap smear. These tests determine whether the cell changes are caused by HPV, and if so, whether a high-risk HPV is present or not.
Likely Effects of HPV Treatment
You may have to undergo procedures for HPV Treatment for the abnormal cells in your cervix, especially if the cellular changes are assessed to be potentially dangerous by your doctor. However, these procedures have some associated risks of their own and it is important to keep them in consideration because most HPV infections tend to resolve over time even without intervention. For example, the usage of a heated wire to remove cells during LEEP can help remove abnormal cells but it can also scar the cervix, making pregnancy difficult in the future. While deciding what is the best course of action for you, it is good to be informed about these side effects. Stress is also a major factor when it comes to HPV treatment. A positive HPV test can take a toll on one’s mental health. Unluckily for us, stress suppresses the immune system, making it harder to fight the virus naturally. Thus, boosting the immune system and countering stress can help fight HPV.
Consult your doctor regarding the suitability of these supplements for you. Since some supplements, such as green tea extracts, can interact with certain drugs, getting a health professional’s assistance in choosing the best supplement is a good idea.
Moreover, remember that these natural HPV cures cannot substitute medical procedures for serious HPV infections, especially if cancerous or precancerous cells have been detected in the cervix. Patients with high-risk HPV infections require biopsy and treatment. A majority of people, however, find relief in natural immunity-boosting supplements when dealing with an abnormal Pap smear or an HPV infection. It is a great idea to incorporate such supplements into your everyday diet to reduce your risk of acquiring the infection.