Dangers of Unprotected Sex

Cervical cancer can result from unprotected sexual intercourse. It is crucial for people to be aware of how their sexual lifestyle or having unprotected sex can raise the chances of contracting this cancer. Many people have questions about their sexual health; thus, this is the perfect time to address some of these questions. The remaining part of this article provides information on how sexual conduct relates to the chances of getting cervical cancer which can result from being infected with HPV.

Cervical Cancer and Unprotected Sex

The cervix is the part of a woman’s reproductive system that joins the vagina to a female’s womb. Cervical cancer occurs when cancer is found in this area. Cervical cancer is a critical health issue because many women discover it during its later stages.

Human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV, is a common cause of cervical cancer, especially if it presents itself in high-risk forms. People who frequently engage in sexual activities have a higher likelihood of being infected with HPV, although most of the time, the body is capable of fighting the HPV infection. However, if you get infected with HPV, the infection can last for many years. Therefore, individuals who don’t use protection increase their chances of developing cervical cancer.

Experts warn the public from having unprotected sex even during moments when they feel they do not need one because of the increased chances of contracting HPV. When people take part in sexual activities without protection, they can also contract other STIs. It is wise to ensure your safety at all times, and for those who have allergic reactions to condoms you can opt ones that are latex-free.

Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

Cervical cancer cannot be diagnosed immediately after having unsafe sex because of its slow development. The uncommon alterations in the cervix can take many years to turn into cancer cells.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer 

Some of the early signs of cervical cancer include the following:

  • Pain when having sex
  • Vaginal discharge that has blood stains, is watery, or emits a foul smell
  • Having periods for a longer duration or a heavier flow
  • Bleeding at odd times, such as after intercourse or after a woman reaches menopause


Preventive measures should begin when girls are still young. Experts recommend girls begin vaccination after turning nine years old. Doctors recommend that all ladies should be vaccinated by the time they become sexually active or turn twenty-six years old. The vaccination is administered in two to three cycles, and it has been proven to be ninety-nine per cent effective after full administration.

Regular Screening
Iodine is normally used to conduct screening during visual inspection. Other tests that are used to detect cervix cancer include HPV DNA and (Pap test or Pap smear) Papanicolaou tests. Precancerous lesions can take up to two decades to become cancer. Thus, surgery might inhibit these lesions from becoming cervical cancer.

Unprotected Sex Can Put You At Risk for STIs

  • HPV
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Genital Warts
  • Genital Herpes
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis A, B And C
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium

Be Smart

Unprotected sex greatly increases your risk of getting an STI.  Pregnancy is another risk of condomless sex.  Regardless of your current habits, reduce your STI expose and use condoms consistently when you have sex. It’s also smart to get tested for STIs each time you have a new partner.  Make sure to get vaccinated for HPV which is safe and highly effective.  Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about your sexual health.